1. Deidre Austen

    We’ve had several comments here that were actually meant for the First Grade Bubbles slideshow. Be careful when posting your comments and be sure to choose the correct comment box so that your ideas can be shared.

    Mrs. Austen

  2. Robert B.

    I love all of the Brainpop videos. They are so educational, yet funny. But, my favorite of all is the video about baseball. The baseball video tells you about how to play the game, what the positions are, and how many people are on a team. I love Brainpop!

    • Deidre Austen

      I love BrainPop too, Robert!

      I did not realize that there was a video about baseball. Do you know if there are other sports that have videos on BrainPop as well?

      🙂 Mrs. Austen

  3. Sara C.

    This BrainPop video tought me that I can still sit down and watch tv sometimes, but I have to exercise too. You should eat healthy and exersise so you can live a healthy and happy life.

  4. Zach L

    I liked this video because it tells you a lot about your body and how to loose some pounds and it tells you about what to put in your body.

  5. Nina

    I think that Brainpop was very good and suportive of body weight. I think that video deserves a thumbs up!!!

    • Deidre Austen

      Nina, did you notice that the movie changes every day? Be sure to check back to see what video comes up next!

  6. Joseph

    I love BrainPoP! Its so funny but educational! I sometimes watch it at my house. I also like how they have a joke at the end!

    • Deidre Austen

      I agree, Joseph! I always enjoy learning when there’s a little humor involved.

      🙂 Mrs. Austen

  7. Colman H.

    This is a pretty cool video! I did not know that there are three types of bodies. I think I’m more of a mesomorph.

  8. Shivani M

    I didn’t know I have to go to the doctors to get a diet. I thought if we feel like it then we can do a diet. This clip is helpful to making bodies healthy. I think I am an ectomorph, what are you?

  9. Neal L.

    I love brainpop videos because they can teach you some important and cool facts about a topic. I also like them because sometimes, they are funny at the end. I like seeing videos about science and math because I like those topics. You should watch some brainpop videos when you are trying to study for something. I just want to conclude this comment with this: I Love Brainpop!

    • Deidre Austen

      Mrs. Kennelly is a teacher from Minnesota that I met at the Magnet Schools of America National Conference in May. I learned about how Mrs. Kennelly’s students integrate writing and science in her fourth grade classroom – their writing projects blended creativity and accurate scientific information so well. It was very inspiring!

      We are always motivated by the BrainPop videos as well. Mrs. Kennelly, have you ever sung the Water Cycle song with your students? I think I have a video of last year’s fifth graders singing the song that I can try to upload next week.

      It was great meeting you and I hope that we’ll see you and your students on our blog often!

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