1. Maisie and Jason

    Attention all classrooms without green ducks: A mistake we found was newspaper in the trash and tissues in the recycling! Thank you for trying! Hope you get it next time!

  2. Robin B.

    Think before you sink that hand, recycle people, yes you can! 😉

    If you are unsure about an object you are about to throw away, ask a teacher if it should be recycled or thrown away.

    -Orlando and Robin

  3. Edith R.

    The simplest things can trip you up. So always, always put paper in the recycling! Not the trash. I find paper in the trash a lot when I do green duck awards.This is why some classes don’t get green duck awards a lot. So always be careful when you are getting rid of paper.

  4. Lucia B. Anna M.

    Great job! The green duck award will come back soon. Please, teachers and students be sure to recycle correctly.

  5. Lila M. & Jordyn B.

    If you are in environmental club, ask your teacher if you can talk to the class about things that can and can’t be recycled. Thanks for helping! Go green!

  6. Jenna K.

    Make sure you do not put any food in the recycling and make sure you do not put any papers in the trash. Thank you for helping the environment!

  7. Rebecca W.

    Classes who did not earn the green duck award, here are some good tips for recycling.
    – teachers can check the trash and the recycling before you go home
    – Teachers also should maybe have their students check the two bins if they hear a green duck award announcement

  8. Trinity S. and Keren J.

    Remember to check your trash bins and recycling bins before you leave. -Trinity S.

    Teachers, tell your class to put trash and recycling in the correct bins. -Trinity S.

    If you’re not sure if it should be recycling try looking at the bag or ask your teacher before putting it in. -Keren J.

    We think that the janitors should not take out the trash and recycling before we do the green duck awards. -Keren J.

  9. Raeden

    Not a lot of Classes got A Green Duck Award but I am sure that next time we’ll do better with our recycling like paper. These things need to go in the trash can: tissues,paper bags and plastic bags also foods that are not finished.

  10. Lila M. & Jordyn B.

    Remember that plastic, paper, and cardboard can be recyled. We have been seeing tissues and paper towels in the recycling, but they can not be recycled.

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